Jumpstart Lab Curriculum

Building an Identity

It’s important that you start to build a representative and consistent identity. The Ruby world is very network dependent, and your identity/network will have a significant impact on your future.

Several to-do items for you:

  • Take your new headshot and associate it with all your email addresses on Gravatar
  • Setup an account on Twitter if you haven’t already
  • Make sure your GitHub profile is complete and has your email and twitter accounts
  • Create a professional blog using the notes below

Setting Up Your Class/Professional Blog

  • Create a GitHub Account
  • Generate and add an SSH Key to your account.

  • Visit https://github.com/JumpstartLab/gschool-blog

  • Fork the Repository

  • Using your Terminal, use cd to switch to a folder where you store your projects. During the next step, the git clone command will create a folder in that directory called "gschool-blog"

  • Clone the Repository you forked to your system


git clone git@github.com:YOURNAME/gschool-blog.git
  • Download all the project dependencies


cd gschool-blogbundle install
  • Run the Middleman Blog


  • Visit the blog in your browser

  • Remove the existing articles


git rm source/2012-01-01-example-article.html.markdowngit rm source/2013-01-23-introduction.html.markdowngit commit -m "Removed sample articles"
  • Create your first article


middleman article "gSchool - Week 0"
  • Find the article that you just created by using cd to change to the /source directory. If you use ls to list everything in this directory, you will find the article that middleman article just created for you. Go ahead and type out open 2013-09-13-gSchool-Week-0.html.markdown (or use open on whatever the name of that file is), and it should open up in SublimeText or your editor of choice.

  • Use Markdown syntax to write your blog post!

  • Write an article with your recap/reflections of the first week.

  • Save the article (just hitting save will save it in the right place)

  • Now change back into the gschool-blog directory by using cd ..


git add sourcegit commit -m "Wrote First Article"
  • Push your changes back to GitHub


git push origin master


heroku loginEnter your Heroku credentials.Email: adam@example.comPassword:Could not find an existing public key.Would you like to generate one? [Yn]Generating new SSH public key.Uploading ssh public key /Users/adam/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
  • Create a Heroku application


heroku creategit push heroku master

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