Jumpstart Lab Curriculum

Clone Wars


In this project you’ll take a client’s website and rebuild it as a Sinatra and SQL-database powered web application.

Learning Goals

The overarching goals are to understand how web applications…

  • Receive requests and send responses with HTTP
  • Store data to and fetch data from a SQL database
  • Are built in a modular, object-oriented style

Working with HTTP

By the end of this project you will:

  • understand GET and POST coming from the browser
  • understand how and why we fake the PUT and DELETE verbs
  • use paths to control which part of the application is activated
  • use data embedded in the URL path (GET and POST requests)
  • use parameters appended to the path (GET requests)
  • use parameters embedded in the request body (POST requests)


By the end of this project you will:

  • use the Sequel library to generate and execute SQL statements
  • implement SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE SQL queries
  • use WHERE, LIMIT, INNER JOIN, and ORDER modifiers in SQL queries
  • use appropriate techniques to avoid SQL injection attacks
  • design an elementary database schema with at least 2 tables and a relationship between them
  • use separate environment-specific databases (development, test, and production)


Throughout the project your code will:

  • separate business logic from the Sinatra web application
  • use layouts and partials in view templates to reduce repetition and increase clarity
  • test at multiple levels including:
    • unit tests for business logic
    • controller tests for the web application
    • acceptance tests to imitate user interactions

The Project

In this project you’ll adopt a client – without their knowledge. You’ll select an existing website and:

  • scrape the content
  • rip the design and assets (CSS, photos, etc)
  • implement a CMS per the specifications below
  • deploy your new version of their website into production
  • optionally improve the graphic/visual/interaction/information design

Client Options

Each group will choose a client and no two groups will have the same client. Your options include:

General Requirements

Your Content Management System needs to:

  • serve the content just like the original site
  • offer a way for content (ie: hours, menu, description) to be edited by an administrator (single user may be hard-coded)
  • include at least one "interactive element" as described below

What Not To Do

  • Don’t use ActiveRecord, DataMapper, or Sequel::Model – just normal Sequel and SQL
  • Don’t use any CMS gems for your project like Nesta
  • Don’t start into 12 features and plan for them all to come together at the last minute. Start small and iterate.
  • Don’t try and build a more complex database schema than you need – KISS
  • Don’t let the details of your database structure leak all over the application. Hide them with a wrapper class.

Interactive Elements

Depending on the domain of your client, your site should include at least one of the following:

Contact Us

  • Basic: A contact form that emails the client/administrator, asks for a name, subject, and body
  • Medium: Building on the above, allow the user to attach a photo. Only allow files that are PNGs or JPGs.
  • Advanced: User emails create "discussions" accessible to the admin through a web interface and email. The admin can reply to the email, which goes to the app, which adds the response to the discussion and emails the client.

Site-wide Banner

  • Basic: A banner message displayed on all pages (e.g. "we will be closed for Thanksgiving")
  • Medium: Schedule the banner to start and stop at certain days/times or after certain user activities (ex: once they’ve visited three pages, the banner displays "Questions? Call us at 888-555-5555")
  • Advanced: Display a banner to users based on membership in a group (ie: all registered users with a pending appointment/reservation)

Domain-Specific Reservations

  • Basic: Use a form to send an email with a request that specifies the day, time, party size, and contact information. Send to admin via email.
  • Medium: Request the reservation using drop-down selectable dates, times, and party size. The admin can approve/deny requests through a web interface.
  • Advanced: View a schedule which displays available slots. Requests are approved/denied through a web interface and the requester is notified over email or phone/SMS.

User-generated content

  • Basic: Visitor can create product reviews / images without authenticating
  • Medium: Visitors must authenticate with an external service (twitter, facebook, etc) before creating content
  • Hard: Visitors must authenticate before creating content and implement your own authentication system from scratch (including salted/hashed passwords, of course)

Web-Based Application System

  • Basic: Fill-out the web form and store the data in the database (ex: to apply for a job, apply to adopt, etc)
  • Medium: After the user fills out the form, send email confirmation to the applicant and notification to the admin
  • Advanced: After the form is submitted and notifications sent, add an approval/feedback workflow for the admin with notifications to the user as appropriate

Evaluation Rubric

The project will be assessed with the following rubric:

1. Functional Expectations

  • 4: Application recreates the original site and adds three Interactive Elements
  • 3: Application recreates the original site and adds one Interactive Element
  • 2: Application has some small missing functionality
  • 1: Application is not a usable replacement of the original site

2. Test-Driven Development

  • 4: Application is broken into components which are well tested in both isolation and integration using appropriate data
  • 3: Application is well tested but does not balance isolation and integration/feature tests
  • 2: Application makes some use of tests, but the coverage is insufficient
  • 1: Application does not demonstrate strong use of TDD

3. Encapsulation / Breaking Logic into Components

  • 4: Application is expertly divided into logical components each with a clear, single responsibility
  • 3: Application effectively breaks logical components apart but breaks the principle of SRP
  • 2: Application shows some effort to break logic into components, but the divisions are inconsistent or unclear
  • 1: Application logic shows poor decomposition with too much logic mashed together

4. Fundamental Ruby & Style

  • 4: Application demonstrates excellent knowledge of Ruby syntax, style, and refactoring
  • 3: Application shows strong effort towards organization, content, and refactoring
  • 2: Application runs but the code has long methods, unnecessary or poorly named variables, and needs significant refactoring
  • 1: Application generates syntax error or crashes during execution

5. Sinatra / Web and Business Logic

  • 4: Application takes advantage of all the features Sinatra has to offer and effectively separates the web application from the business logic.
  • 3: Application makes good use of Sinatra but has some mixing of the web and business logic.
  • 2: Application has web and business logic totally mixed together
  • 1: Application demonstrates a weak understanding of Sinatra and how applications should be built.

6. View Layer

  • 4: Application expertly breaks components out to view partials and makes use of both built-in and custom-written view helpers.
  • 3: Application breaks components out to view partials but has some logic or complexity leaking into the view
  • 2: Application has messy views that mix logic and presentation
  • 1: Application shows a lack of understanding around view templates and how they should be used/constructed.

Have Feedback?

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