Jumpstart Lab Curriculum


This project builds on the lessons learned in EventManager and MicroBlogger to focus on fundamental Ruby style/concepts.

Project Overview

Learning & Practice Goals

  • Become comfortable with implementing basic classes and methods
  • Demonstrate understanding of variable scope and lifecycle
  • Create multiple coordinating methods and objects
  • Use default and named parameters
  • Utilize effective debugging techniques


Let’s take EventManager to the next level. Based on the same data file, build an interactive query and reporting tool which fulfills the expectations below. Re-use data cleaning procedures from the original EventManager to handle dirty input and generate beautiful output.

Data Supplied

Base Expectations

As a user launching the program, I’m provided a REPL where I can issue one of several commands, described below. After each command completes, the prompt returns, waiting for another instruction.

The Queue

The program has a concept called the "queue". The queue holds the stored results from a previous search. As a user, I issue a search command to find records, then later issue another command to do work with those results. The queue is not cleared until the user runs the command queue clear or a new find command.


The program must respond to the following commands:

load <filename>

Erase any loaded data and parse the specified file. If no filename is given, default to event_attendees.csv.


Output a listing of the available individual commands

help <command>

Output a description of how to use the specific command. For example:

help queue clear
help find

queue count

Output how many records are in the current queue

queue clear

Empty the queue

queue print

Print out a tab-delimited data table with a header row following this format:


queue print by <attribute>

Print the data table sorted by the specified attribute like zipcode.

queue save to <filename.csv>

Export the current queue to the specified filename as a CSV. The file should should include data and headers for last name, first name, email, zipcode, city, state, address, and phone number.

find <attribute> <criteria>

Load the queue with all records matching the criteria for the given attribute. Example usages:

  • find zipcode 20011
  • find last_name Johnson
  • find state VA

The comparison should:

  • Be case insensitive, so "Mary" and "mary" would be found in the same search
  • Be insensitive to internal whitespace, but not external:
    • "John" and "John " are considered matches
    • "John Paul" and "Johnpaul" are not matches
  • Not do substring matches, so a find first_name Mary does not find a record with first name "marybeth"

Test Cases for Base Expectations

Your program must handle the following scenarios correctly:

A. Happy Path

  1. load event_attendees.csv
  2. queue count should return 0
  3. find first_name John
  4. queue count should return 63
  5. queue clear
  6. queue count should return 0
  7. help should list the commands
  8. help queue count should explain the queue count function
  9. help queue print should explain the printing function

B. Let’s Try Printing

  1. load
  2. queue count should return 0
  3. find first_name John
  4. find first_name Mary
  5. queue print should print out the 16 attendees
  6. queue print by last_name should print the same attendees sorted alphabetically by last name
  7. queue count should return 16

C. Saving

  1. load
  2. find city Salt Lake City
  3. queue print should display 13 attendees
  4. queue save to city_sample.csv
  5. Open the CSV and inspect that it has correct headers and the data rows from step 3.
  6. find state DC
  7. queue print by last_name should print them alphabetically by last name
  8. queue save to state_sample.csv
  9. Open the CSV and inspect that it has the headers, the data from step 7, but not the data previously found in step 2.

D. Reading Your Data

  1. load
  2. find state MD
  3. queue save to state_sample.csv
  4. quit

Restart the program and continue…

  1. load state_sample.csv
  2. find first_name John
  3. queue count should return 4

E. Emptiness

Note that this set intentionally has no call to load:

  1. find last_name Johnson
  2. queue count should return 0
  3. queue print should not print any attendee data
  4. queue clear should not return an error
  5. queue print by last_name should not print any data
  6. queue save to empty.csv should output a file with only headers
  7. queue count should return 0


Improving queue print

  • Modify your queue print command so it prints in left-aligned columns where the size of each column is determined by the longest entry in the column.
  • If the queue is more than 10 lines, pause after ten until the user hits either the spacebar or enter keys.
  • Add a status line that reads like "Showing Matches 20-30 of 80"

Improving find

  • Modify your find instruction so all searches are case insensitive
  • Modify your find instruction to allow compound searches using a single and such as:
find zipcode 20011 and last_name Johnson

Improving queue save to

  • Modify the instruction to respect the filename extension so that:
    • csv generates comma-separated values
    • txt generates tab-delimited values
    • json generates valid, parsable JSON
    • xml generates valid, parsable XML
    • yml generates valid YAML

Implementing Queue Math

Assuming I have results currently in the queue, implement queue math like this:

find state DC
subtract zipcode 20011

That would find me all entries for DC that are not in 20011. Similarly:

find state DC
add zipcode 22182

Would load the queue with all entries from DC or the 22182 zipcode.

Nightmare-Mode find

Modify your find method to allow multiple attribute values in parentheses like this:

find zipcode (20011, 22182) and last_name (Johnson, Patrick, Smith)

Support an or operation:

find zipcode (20011, 22182) or last_name (Johnson, Patrick, Smith)

And support find only within the queue:

find zipcode (20011, 22182)
queue find last_name Johnson

Which would find only the Johnsons in 20011 or 22182.

Test Cases for Extensions

For the extensions to pass the evaluation, it must handle the following scenarios correctly.

A. Improved queue print

  1. load
  2. find first_name sarah
  3. queue print

Observe the first two screens of output similar to this:

LAST NAME       FIRST NAME  EMAIL                                  ZIPCODE     CITY                    STATE  ADDRESS                              PHONE
Hankins         SArah       pinalevitsky@jumpstartlab.com          20009       Washington              DC     2022 15th Street NW                  4145205000
Xx              Sarah       lqrm4462@jumpstartlab.com              33703       Saint Petersburg        FL     4175 3rd Street North                9419792000
Cordova         Sarah       tmai.202@jumpstartlab.com              21044       Columbia                MD     5430 Hesperus Drive                  4109639000
Irvine          Sarah       wwoodruf@jumpstartlab.com              30127       Powder Springs          GA     6184 Windflower Drive                7704249000
Hough           Sarah       gi@jumpstartlab.com                    06614       stratford               CT     42c powder mill drive                2036506000
Geretz          Sarah       ovdawaaa@jumpstartlab.com              01002       Amherst                 MA     72 Triangle St. appt. 2              8572311000
Sample          Sarah       nqiza@jumpstartlab.com                 94619       Oakland                 CA     270 Rishell Drive                    5107086000
Gerow           Sarah       xnb77@jumpstartlab.com                 33559       Lutz                    FL     2501 Black Horse Loop Apt 301C       8137359000
Eden            Sarah       cetephenson@jumpstartlab.com           33559       Lutz                    FL     2501 Black Horse Loop Apt 301C       8136798000
Riordan         Sarah       ctuhspugha@jumpstartlab.com            80212       Denver                  CO     2814 Tennyson St.                    7202058000
Displaying records 0 - 10 of 78
press space bar or the enter key to show the next set of records

Gordon          Sarah       cxcahdprice@jumpstartlab.com           43554       Pioneer                 OH     18476 County Road 15                 4197373000
Johnston        Sarah       gylaki@jumpstartlab.com                94104       San Francisco           CA     221 Pine St                          4157863000
Oddie           Sarah       blhhhhhhhh@jumpstartlab.com            94101       san francisco           CA     221 pine st                          4157863000
Catlin          Sarah       tlacyjamesrossi3@jumpstartlab.com      40206       Louisville              KY     114 N Galt Ave                       5029386000
Clatterbuck     Sarah       dhchleith@jumpstartlab.com             05401       Burlington              VT     37 D Conger Ave                      8025401000
Dernoga         Sarah       gkpaldin@jumpstartlab.com              49461       Whitehall               MI     7473 Easy Street                     2316707000
Ojeh            Sarah       bfkelly@jumpstartlab.com               20742       College Park            MD     8000 Boteler Lane Appt 248A          4104743000
Sparrow         Sarah       jw9@jumpstartlab.com                   13346       Hamilton                NY                                          9084187000
Deutschmann     Sarah       pooneil@jumpstartlab.com               03435       Keene, NH               NH     229 Main St.                         6032752000
Alilionis       Sarah       jhagamininj4@jumpstartlab.com          03431       Keene                   NH     21 Coolidge Street                   2032783000
Displaying records 10 - 20 of 78
press space bar or the enter key to show the next set of records

Noting that it has…

  1. Aligned columns
  2. 10 entries per screen
  3. A status bar displaying total records

But, the exact number of records may differ if the program does not implement the "improved find" with case-insensitive search.

B. Improved find

  1. load
  2. find first_name sarah and state CA
  3. Observe that there should only be four records in the queue

C. Improved queue save to

  1. load
  2. find first_name Sarah
  3. queue save to sarah.xml
  4. queue save to sarah.json
  5. queue save to sarah.txt
  6. queue save to sarah.yml
  7. Inspect the four output files for completeness and structure.

D. Queue Math

  1. load
  2. find zipcode 20011
  3. subtract first_name william
  4. add zipcode 20010
  5. Observe that there are 8 records in the queue.

E. Nightmare-Mode Find

  1. load
  2. find state (DC, VA, MD) and last_name johnson
  3. Observe that there are three records in the queue.
  4. load
  5. find state dc or last_name smith
  6. Observe that there are 270 records in the queue
  7. queue find first_name alicia
  8. Observe that only 3 records remain in the queue

Evaluation Rubric

The project will be assessed with the following rubric:

1. Functional Expectations

  • 4: Application fulfills all base expectations and two extensions
  • 3: Application fulfills all base expectations
  • 2: Application has some missing functionality but no crashes
  • 1: Application crashes during normal usage

2. REPL Interface

  • 4: Application’s REPL goes above and beyond expectations to improve the interface
  • 3: Application’s REPL is clear and pleasant to use
  • 2: Application’s REPL has some inconsistencies or rough edges
  • 1: Application’s REPL has enough problems as to make play difficult

3. Test-Driven Development

  • 4: Application is broken into components which are well tested in both isolation and integration
  • 3: Application is well tested but does not balance isolation and integration tests
  • 2: Application makes some use of tests, but the coverage is insufficient
  • 1: Application does not demonstrate strong use of TDD

4. Breaking Logic into Components

  • 4: Application is expertly divided into logical components such that individual pieces could be reused or replaced without difficulty
  • 3: Application effectively breaks logical components apart with clear intent and usage
  • 2: Application shows some effort to break logic into components, but the divisions are inconsistent or unclear
  • 1: Application logic shows poor decomposition with too much logic mashed together

5. Fundamental Ruby & Style

  • 4: Application demonstrates excellent knowledge of Ruby syntax, style, and refactoring
  • 3: Application shows strong effort towards organization, content, and refactoring
  • 2: Application runs but the code has many long methods (>8 lines) and needs significant refactoring
  • 1: Application generates syntax error or crashes during execution

6. Enumerable & Collections

  • 4: Application consistently makes use of the best-choice Enumerable methods
  • 3: Application demonstrates comfortable use of several Enumerable techniques
  • 2: Application demonstrates functional knowledge of Enumerable but only uses the most basic techniques
  • 1: Application demonstrates deficiencies with Enumerable and struggles with collections

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