Jumpstart Lab Curriculum


In this project you’ll build an e-commerce site for a small grocery that wants to sell products directly to customers over the web. The project will be built in several discreet iterations.

This tutorial is open source. If you notice errors, typos, or have questions/suggestions, please submit them to the project on GitHub.

Iteration 0: Up and Running

Part of the reason Ruby on Rails became popular quickly is that it takes a lot of the hard work off your hands, and that’s especially true in starting up a project. Rails practices the idea of “sensible defaults” and tries to, with one command, create a working application ready for your customization.

Setting the Stage

First we need to make sure everything is setup and installed. See the Environment Setup page for instructions on setting up and verifying your Ruby, Rails, and add-ons.

Generate the Project

Let’s lay the groundwork for our project. In your terminal, switch to the directory where you’d like your project to be stored. I’ll use ~/projects.

Run the rails -v command and you should see your current Rails version. This tutorial was written with Rails 4.0.0. Let’s create a new Rails project:


rails new merchant

Then cd into your project directory and open the project in your editor of choice, I’ll use Sublime .

Booting the Server

Start it up with this instruction:


bin/rails server

Then try loading the address http://localhost:3000/. You should see Rails’ “Welcome Aboard” page. Click the “About your application’s environment” link and it’ll display the versions of all your installed components.


Rails makes it really easy to begin modeling your data using scaffolding.

We’ll start by thinking about a “product” in our store. What attributes does a product have? What type of data are each of those attributes? We don’t need to think of EVERYTHING up front, here’s a list to get us started:

  • title which should be a string
  • price which should be an decimal
  • description which should be text
  • image_url which should be a string

Why make price an decimal? If you make it a regular float, you’re going to run into mathematic inconsistencies later on. Prices aren’t real floats because the number of places after the decimal don’t change — it’s always two.

Ok, time to finally generate your scaffold. Enter this command:



bin/rails generate scaffold Product title:string price:decimal description:text image_url:string

Reading that line out loud would sound like “run the generator named scaffold and tell it to create an object named Product that has a title that is a string, a price that is a decimal, a description that is text, and a image_url that is a string

The generator will then create about 30 files and directories for you based on this information.

We need to add extra options to our price column. Modify the price line in your freshly generated migration so it looks like this:

t.decimal :price, precision: 8, scale: 2

We give it two additional options: the precision controls how many digits the number can have in total. The scale controls how many digits come after the decimal. So this column will have a maximum value of 999999.99, which would be some expensive groceries.

Now you need to run this migration so it actually creates the products table in the database.


bin/rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development

Technically, RAILS_ENV=development is redundant, because your rails environment already defaults to development.

You should see output explaining that it created the table named products.

Setting Up Strong Parameters

Rails defaults to a “whitelist” security system to protect application data from being mass-assigned. Mass assignment is what happens any time we set more than one attribute at once (for example, updating a Product’s title and price at the same time). There are certain fields that you don’t want to be mass-assignable for security reasons (e.g., we wouldn’t want an “admin” privilege to be mass-assignable on user, otherwise we might have security bugs where a user can elevate their own privileges).

The practical effect of this whitelist system is that we won’t be able to mass-assign any properties of any of the Products in our application until we remove that restriction. Since we used a generator to create the Product model we don’t need to worry about setting the accessible attributes ourselves, but just to confirm that they have been added, take a look at app/controllers/products_controller.rb, at the very bottom:

# Never trust parameters from the scary internet, only allow the white list through.
def product_params
  params.require(:product).permit(:title, :price, :description, :image_url)

This tells Rails to allow all four of our Product attributes to be mass-assign-able.

Creating Sample Products

Now, in your browser, go to http://localhost:3000/products.

You should get a page that says “Listing Products”, click the “New Product” link and it’ll bring up a very simple form. Enter the following data:

  • Title: Green Grapes (1 bunch)
  • Price: 2.00
  • Description: 1 bunch of approximately 80 green grapes.
  • Image_url: green_grapes.jpg

Click Create. If everything looks good on the next page, click the Back link. Click the “New Product” link and enter the second product:

  • Title: Purple Grapes (1 bunch)
  • Price: 2.25
  • Description: 1 bunch of approximately 90 purple grapes.
  • Image_url: purple_grapes.jpg

Create it and look at your products listing. Now you have a web store! (NOTE: The images will be missing for now, that’s ok!)

How does Rails do that?

Let’s take a peek at how this is all working. Browse your project files and look at the following files:

  • config/routes.rb When you request a page from the application this is the first place Rails goes. See the line resources :products? Resources are things that follow the RESTful web conventions. For instance, if the router receives a GET request for /products it should look in the app/controllers/products_controller.rb for a method named index. After finding the products entry in the Routes file, Rails knows to come to this file and run the index method. You’ll see the index method like the code below. The second line is the most important — it reads “Find all the Products and stick them in the variable @products”.
def index
  @products = Product.all
  • Now take a look at app/views/products/index.html.erb This is the view template which is responsible for creating the HTML sent to the browser. The template is written in a format named ERB which allows us to mix HTML and Ruby. The first few lines of this files just look like plain HTML. On line 10, though, you see some ERB syntax. Look at the example below. See the <% and %> in line 17? Those tags mark the beginning and end of Ruby code inside the ERB file. Basically they mean “evaluate whatever code is between these markers as though it were part of a Ruby program.” Then in line 19 you see a variation where the opening tag has an equals sign like this: <%=. When there is no equals sign, the code between the markers is run silently. When the beginning marker has the equals sign, erb will output the result of the code into the HTML.
<h1>Listing products</h1>

      <th>Image url</th>

    <% @products.each do |product| %>
        <td><%= product.title %></td>
        <td><%= product.price %></td>
        <td><%= product.description %></td>
        <td><%= product.image_url %></td>
        <td><%= link_to 'Show', product %></td>
        <td><%= link_to 'Edit', edit_product_path(product) %></td>
        <td><%= link_to 'Destroy', product, method: :delete, data: { confirm: 'Are you sure?' } %></td>
    <% end %>


<%= link_to 'New Product', new_product_path %>

Now you’ve got a database-driven web application running and Iteration 0 is complete.

Iteration 1: Basic Product Listings

So now you might be impressed with yourself. You’ve got a web store just about done, right? Real stores have a ton of information …pictures, data, reviews, categories not to mention the ability to actually buy something. We’ll get there — for now let’s make our store look a little more respectable.

Working with Layouts

In the first iteration I lied to you about how the view step works. When you’re looking at the products listing, Rails isn’t just grabbing the index.html.erb. It’s also looking in the app/views/layouts/ folder for a layout file. Expand that directory in your editor and you’ll see that the scaffold generator created a file named application.html.erb for us.

You can think of a layout like a wrapper that is put around each of your view templates. Layouts allow us to put all the common HTML in one place and have it used by all our view templates. For instance, it’d be a pain to have to write out the whole <head> section in each of our ERB templates. Open the layout file and you’ll see a lot of the HTML framework is already in the layout file.

If you’re on Amazon each of their pages has a certain look and feel. They have common navigation, stylesheets, titling, etc. The layout is where we take care of these common elements. In the <head> section of the layout it currently has line with a <title> — change it so it reads like this:

<title>FoodWorks - Products: <%= controller.action_name %></title>

Hit save, switch back to your browser with the product listing, and hit refresh. The title of your browser tab should now say “FoodWorks – Products: index”. Then click the New product link. The window title should now say “FoodWorks – Products: new”. Even though the index and new actions have different view templates they share the same layout, so the change we made shows up in both places. Let’s add a little more to the layout file…

  • Download that stylesheet (styles.css) and put it into your project’s app/assets/stylesheets/ folder.
  • Next let’s add a little structure to our pages to make CSS styling easier. Check out your application layout at app/views/layout/application.html.erb and modify everything from <body> to </body> so it matches the code below:
<div class="wrapper">
    <div class="header">
      <p>Your Online Grocery</p>

    <p style="color: green"><%= flash[:notice] %></p>

    <div class="sidebar">

    <div class="main">
      <%= yield %>

    <div class="footer">
      FoodWorks Online Grocery<br/>
      A Rails Jumpstart Project

Now save your layout and refresh the products listing. It should look a little prettier, but we haven’t changed much about the content yet.

Editing a View Template

Let’s open the app/views/products/index.html.erb view template so we can make some changes.

  • Change the title to H1 tags with the text “All Products”
  • The link at the bottom is currently “New product” — let’s change it to “Create a New Product” like this:
<p><%= link_to "Create a New Product", new_product_path, id: "new_product" %></p>
  • Then let’s restructure the table. See the line that says <% @products.each do |product| %>? That means “for each of the things in the variable @products, take them one at a time, call them product, then do everything in between this line and the one that reads <% end %>” So for each product, the existing template creates one TD for the title, one for the price, one for the description and so on. Let’s simplify the products like this:
<% @products.each do |product| %>
    <td><%= image_tag "products/#{product.image_url}" %></td>
    <td><span class="product_title"><%= product.title %></span><%= product.description %></td>
    <td><%= product.price %></td>
<% end %>

Try looking at the page in your web browser. Rework the table’s THs to match up with the new TDs.

Download the sample images for products here: products.zip. Move the images into app/assets/images/products/.

Save that and check out your products index at http://localhost:3000/products.

Fixing the Price Display

When you look at the products index the price is a little ambiguous. It doesn’t have a currency marker. Let’s clean it up with a view helper.

A helper, in Rails, is code that helps you manipulate data as part of the presentation. We want to make a helper where we can send in a number like “2.25” and it gives us back “$2.25”, the format our shoppers are anticipating.

  • Open the file app/helpers/products_helper.rb
  • Between the line that starts with module and the end, add this method:
def print_price(price)

Go back to your index.html.erb file and change <%= product.price %> to <%= print_price(product.price) %>. Save it and refresh your products display. Notice anything?

If you have a price that ends in a zero, like your Green Grapes at $2.00, you’ll see that the trailing zeros are being cutoff. That’s no good.

Look at your print_price helper again. What’s the right fix? One approach is to use the format method in Ruby like this:

def print_price(price)
  format("$%.2f", price)

That works great, check it out in your browser. The only objection is that it doesn’t internationalize. When we want to start selling groceries in the EU, we’ll need to rewrite this code.

Rails has a built-in helper method for exactly this purpose named number_to_currency. Its full description is here: http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionView/Helpers/NumberHelper.html\#method-i-number\_to\_currency

We can use it just like this:

def print_price(price)
  number_to_currency price

Check out the results in your browser; your store is starting to look good!

Linking to the Product Page

When you’re on the index page there’s no way to get to the “show” page for an individual product. Go back to the index.html.erb and use the link_to helper to insert links to the show page. link_to requires two parameters: what the link should say and where it should point. To trigger a show action, point the link towards product_path(product).

Working on the New Product Page

Click the Create a New Product link on your index page. Rails will access your products_controller, find the new method, run that code, then load the new.html.erb view template. Open that ERB file and you’ll see there isn’t much there.

Change the title to an H1 that reads “Create a New Product.” Then to manipulate the form itself we’ll need to jump into _form.html.erb.

  • Look at the line <%= f.label :price %><br />. This tells Rails to create an HTML label for the thing named :price and, by default, it puts the text Price there. We want it to say “Price (like 2.99)” instead. We add in the desired text as a second parameter like this: <%= f.label :price, "Price (like 2.99)" %><br />
  • Save your ERB and reload your form to make sure everything is looking ok

Create a new product and enter in this information EXACTLY:

  • Title: Oranges
  • Price: $2.99
  • Description: Bag of 6 Valencia oranges.
  • Image_url: oranges.jpg

Click Create then look at the page you get back.

Validating the Price

What’s up with the price? Is that what you expected?

We tried to put “$2.99” to the database, but it’s expecting a number, not something with a dollar sign and a period. How does it end up with $0?

The data is coming in from our form as a string, then Rails is trying to coerce it into a decimal. Open bin/rails console and try calling "$2.99".to_f to convert it to a float. This is similar to the coercion that happens when we convert it to a decimal. We get zero!

How can we help the user not make this mistake? Adding a validation.

  • Open the file app/models/product.rb
  • Before the class’ end, add this validation: validates_numericality_of :price
  • Get back to your product listing and destroy the oranges that we just created
  • Click Create a New Product and enter the orange information just as we did above and click Create

Now you should see some great things that Rails does for “free”. It keeps us on the product creation screen, it tells us that there was a problem, it tells us what the problem is, then it highlights both the label and the form field in red. Makes it pretty clear, right? Take off the dollar sign so your price just says “2.99” and click Create again.

This is an opportunity to make things easier on our users. Typing a dollar sign in the price is perfectly reasonable from their perspective. We can handle it transparently on the server side.

When the form is being processed it passed the hash of values from the form to Product.new. ActiveRecord then goes through the values in that hash and stores them into the new record. It doesn’t directly manipulate the object’s attributes, it uses setter methods kind of like this:

def price=(input)
  self.price = input

We don’t see that method in our code because ActiveRecord generates it on the fly at load time. But we can override the method if we want to do something special, like delete a dollar sign:

def price=(input)

The first line does an in-place delete (delete! as opposed to delete), removing any dollar signs. Then, with the value changed, super invokes the original price= method.

Try it out in your console and browser. Set prices like “2.99” and “$3.99” — they should both work as expected.

Now, go ahead and create a few more sample products. Look at the folder of images that you copied over to see what’s available. Make at least 5 products for your store.

Iteration 1 is complete!

Iteration 2: Handling Stock

Any good store needs to manage stock. When customers are shopping they should be able to see the current stock. When people buy something, the stock goes down. Administrators should be able to arbitrarily change the stock count.

Modifying the Database

Anytime we’re tracking new data we’ll need to modify the database. Jump over to your Terminal and generate a migration with this command:


bin/rails generate migration add_stock_to_products

After it generates, open the migration (look in db/migrate) and in the change add the line below.

add_column :products, :stock, :integer, default: 0

Run the migration with bin/rake db:migrate then the column exists in your database.

Adding to the Products Listing

Let’s open up the view for our products index (app/views/products/index.html.erb) and add in a column after Price for Stock in the THs. Down in the TDs, write this:

<td><%= print_stock(product.stock) %></td>

So that’s expecting to use the helper method named print_stock. Here’s the logic we want to implement:

  • If the product is in stock, print the following where ## is the number in stock:
    • <span class="in_stock">In Stock (##)</span>
  • If it’s out of stock, print the following:
    • <span class="out_stock">Out of Stock</span>

Go into the products_helper.rb and create a method named print_stock then fill in the blank lines with the stock messages:

def print_stock(stock)
  if stock > 0



Hint: check out the content_tag method (http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionView/Helpers/TagHelper.html#method-i-content_tag)

With the helper implemented refresh your products index and you should see all products out of stock.

Making the Stock Editable

Hop into the show page for your first project then click the Edit link.

This edit form only shows the original fields that were there when we ran the scaffold generation, but it’s easy to add in our stock. Open the form template at app/views/products/_form.html.erb

Using the title and price as examples, write a paragraph for the stock including the label and a text field. Refresh your web browser and you should see the stock field available for editing.

Since it’s just a raw text field, let’s add some validation to the product.rb model to make sure we don’t put something crazy in for the stock. Check out the Rails Guide on Validations and figure out how to write ONE validation that makes sure:

  • stock is a number
  • stock is an integer
  • stock is greater than or equal to zero

Once your validation is implemented, give it a try with illegal values for Stock like -50, hello!, and 5.5. Is it failing?

Dealing with Strong Parameters

Your validation probably isn’t working, right? Your form isn’t changing the value of stock, but it also isn’t showing a validation error. What’s up?

Take a look in the ProductsController again. Unless you anticipated this problem and fixed it already, stock will not be in your product_params permitted list, and that would stop you from being able to submit an adjustment to stock via the form.

Add stock to the permit list and retry your good and bad stock values.

def product_params
  params.require(:product).permit(:title, :price, :description, :image_url, :stock)

With those validations implemented, add stock to most of your products so we can do some shopping.

Iteration 2 is complete!

Iteration 3: Designing Orders

We’ve got products, but until we have a way to create orders then our store isn’t going to make any money.

Brainstorming the Data Structure

Let’s think about what an “order” is:

  • It’s a collection of products to purchase
    • Each of those has a quantity and a unit price
  • It has a total price
  • It has a customer
  • It has a status like “unsubmitted”, “needs_payment”, “needs_packing”, “needs_shipping”, and “shipped”

Looking at this from the database perspective, we’ll need two objects:

  • OrderItem One piece of an order, this will be a single product ID and a quantity of how many are being ordered
    • product_id: (integer) the Product that this OrderItem is referencing
    • order_id: (integer) the Order that this OrderItem is referencing
    • quantity: (integer) the quantity of this product desired
  • Order It will have many OrderItem objects, belong to a customer ID, and have a status code
    • user_id: (integer) the user that this order belongs to
    • status: (string) the current status of the order

With that in mind, go to your Terminal and generate some scaffolding and migrate the database:



$ $
bin/rails generate scaffold OrderItem product_id:integer order_id:integer quantity:integerbin/rails generate scaffold Order user_id:integer status:stringbin/rake db:migrate

The Data Models

From there we need to build up our two data models and express their relationships.

The OrderItem Model

Jump into app/models/order_item.rb and we’ll work on relationships. Since the OrderItem holds a foreign key referencing an Order, we’d say that that it belongs_to the Order. Add the relationship to the model like this:

class OrderItem < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :order

There’s also a relationship between an OrderItem and a Product. A Product is going to be ordered many times, we hope, but an OrderItem is only going to connect with a single Product. This is a “One-to-Many” relationship where one Product is going to have many OrderItems and an OrderItem is going to belong_to a product.

Add the second belongs_to relationship in order_item.rb

Then, add a validation to make sure that no OrderItem gets created without an order_id and a product_id.

The Order Model

Next, let’s turn our attention to app/models/order.rb . We said previously that an OrderItem would belong_to an Order. We definitely want people ordering as many products as they want, so an Order should have many OrderItems. Add it like this:

class Order < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :order_items

Products to Order Items

We won’t actually need it for our application, but as long as a Product is related to an OrderItem, you should go ahead and add the has_many association in product.rb.

Implementing an Order Workflow

That was the easy part. Now it’s going to get tricky.

Add to Cart Links

Let’s open the index view for our products (app/views/products/index.html.erb). How do we want the shopping process to work? Each product description should have an “Add to Cart” link that adds that item to the customer’s cart. Once they click that the customer should be taken to their order screen where they can set quantities and checkout.

First we’ll create the “Add to Cart” link. In the <th> lines near the top of the index add <th>Buy</th>. Then in the TDs, underneath the stock line, let’s add a new cell:

<td><%= link_to "Add to Cart", new_order_item_path(product_id: product.id) %></td>

This says "create a link with the text ‘Add to Cart’ which links to the new order_item path and sends in a parameter named product.id with the value of the ID for this product.

Reload the index in your browser and you new link should show up.

Tracking an Order

When you click the “Add to Cart” link you see a plain scaffolding form prompting the user for the product id, order id, and quantity. That’s not acceptable.

When the user clicks “Add to Cart”, the system should:

  • Find or create a new Order for the current visitor
  • Add the item to the Order with a quantity 1

The first part is tricky because HTTP is a stateless protocol. There isn’t any continuity between requests, so it’s hard to identify a user. But in situations like this one, we need to keep track of users across many page clicks.

We’ll take advantage of Rails’ session management here. The session will allow us to track data about a user across multiple requests.

Managing Orders in a Before Filter

Open your app/controllers/order_items_controller.rb file. This controller is what handles the “operations” of a web request. The request starts at the router (the config/routes.rb file), gets sent to the correct controller, then the controller interacts with the models and views. Think of the controller as the “coach” — it calls all the shots. At the top of the controller file, just below the class line, add this code:

before_action :load_order, only: [:create]

We’re declaring a before_action. This tells Rails “before every request to this controller, run the method named load_order”. The only: [:create] part tells rails only to run this method before calls to the create action. If we didn’t include the only: [:create] parameter then the load_order method would be called before every action in the order_items controller.

If you think about it, it doesn’t really make sense for us to call the load_order method before every action; we only need to call it before we add a new order item.

We need to define the method named load_order. At the bottom of the same file, below the line that says private add the following:

def load_order
    @order = Order.find(session[:order_id])
  rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
    @order = Order.create(status: "unsubmitted")
    session[:order_id] = @order.id

Rails provides us access to the user session through the session hash. This method tries to find the Order with the :order_id in the session and stores it into the variable named @order. If the session hash does not have a key named :order_id or the order has been destroyed, Rails will raise an ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound error. The rescue statement watches for this error and, if it occurs, creates a new Order, stores it into the variable @order, and saves the ID number into session[:order_id].

With that code in place refresh your Products index and… nothing looks different.

That’s because nothing happened. The load_order method gets called when we hit POST /products, but we’ve been hitting GET /products/new.

We could change the link so that it tricks Rails into accepting a POST, but it’s generally cleaner to just create a form. That way search spiders and other internet bots won’t create carts willy-nilly.

Replace the Add to Cart link with this:

<td><%= button_to "Add to Cart", order_items_path(product_id: product.id) %></td>

Reload the index page, and click the Add to Cart button. The page blows up, complaining about not finding a parameter:

param not found: order_item

That’s because the form that gets created by the button_to helper doesn’t nest data in an order_item hash, it simply submits to the URL provided.

We need to update the create action in the OrderItemsController. Change this:

def create
  @order_item = OrderItem.new(order_item_params)
  # ...

to this:

def create
  @order_item = OrderItem.new(product_id: params[:product_id])
  # ...

If you refresh the index page and click Add to Cart you’ll end up on the new page for the order item with a complaint that you’re missing the order_id.

We have the order stored in an instance variable. Let’s use that.

def create
  @order_item = OrderItem.new(product_id: params[:product_id], order_id: @order.id)
  # ...

Now if you click the add to cart button, you will end up on the Order Item’s show page.

It would be more helpful to go to the order page. In the create action of the order items controller change the response for HTML to redirect to the order:

format.html { redirect_to @order, notice: 'Successfully added product to cart.' }

Try adding a product to your cart again.

Improving load_order

In general we should avoid using exceptions for control flow. Our implementation of load_order is expecting an exception to be raised under a somewhat normal circumstance: a new user arrives on the site. We should redesign this method to not rely on begin/rescue/end.

ActiveRecord provides us with dynamic finders and initializers for all our models. For a Product, we can do any of the following:

Product.find 2
Product.find_by_title "Green Grapes"
Product.find_by_image_url "purple_grapes.jpg"

We can call a class method find_by_ then give it the name of any model attribute to search for a match. We can also use find_all_by_ to fetch an array of all matches.

How does that help us here? Well, Rails takes it a step further:

Product.find_or_initialize_by_title "Apples"

The find_or_initialize_by_ method will first attempt to find a match in the database for the specified attribute and value. If it finds one, that object will be returned. If it doesn’t find a match, it will build one in memory and return the new object.

This object will not yet have been saved to the database. If we wanted to build it and save it in one step, we could use find_or_create_by. Returning to our load_order method, we can implement the technique like this:

def load_order
  @order = Order.find_or_initialize_by_id(session[:order_id], status: "unsubmitted")
  if @order.new_record?
    session[:order_id] = @order.id

Note that the status: "unsubmitted" will only set the status if it is initializing a new object, it will not change the value of records found in the database.

From there we look to see if it is a new_record?, which is true when the record has not yet been stored to the DB. If it is new, save it to the DB so it gets an ID, the store that ID into the user’s session.

Cleaning up

We don’t use the new form. Let’s get rid of the new action in the controller. While we’re cutting code, we won’t need the show or index actions either, so delete them.

Rewriting the Create Action

Look at the server log for the last request. You should see “Started POST” then look at the parameters line. See the product_id in there? We have all the information we need to rewrite the create action. The create currently looks like this:

def create
  @order_item = OrderItem.new(product_id: params[:product_id], order_id: @order.id)

  respond_to do |format|
    if @order_item.save
      format.html { redirect_to @order, notice: 'Successfully added product to cart.' }
      format.json { render action: 'show', status: :created, location: @order_item }
      format.html { render action: 'new' }
      format.json { render json: @order_item.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity }

Building the OrderItem

We can build the order_item through the relationship with the order like this:

def create
  @order_item = @order.order_items.new(quantity: 1, product_id: params[:product_id])
  # ...

The order_id will be set by the relationship, then we explicitly set the quantity to one and the product_id comes from the request parameters.

Go back to your products index page, click an “Add to Cart” button.

Displaying an Order

You should now be redirected to http://localhost:3000/orders/1 which is your current order. You’re looking at the order, you think some products have been added, but we’re not doing anything to display them yet.

Add this snippet somewhere on the page:

  Item Count: <%= @order.order_items.count %>

Reload the page and you should see the Item Count display 1. Go back to your products listing and click “Add to Cart” to add more items. You should see this counter increasing each time.

Our shopping experience has a long way to go, but it’s getting there.

Iteration 3 is complete!

Iteration 4: Improving the Orders Interface

We’ll continue working on our app/views/orders/show.html.erb so open it in your editor and load an order in your web browser.

Reworking the Order’s show View

Replace the code in the show.html.erb with this:

<h1>Your Order</h1>

    <td><%= @order.user_id %></td>
    <td><%= @order.status %></td>
    <td><%= @order.order_items.count %></td>
    <th>Unit Price</th>
  <!-- more code will go here -->

Save that then refresh your order view. The basics are there, but it still isn’t showing what items are in the order.

Displaying Individual Items in an Order

Remember when we declared that an Order has_many OrderItems? We did that so we could easily access an order’s items. Remove the line that says <!-- more code will go here --> and replace it with this:

<% @order.order_items.each do |item| %>

<% end %>

Inside those lines put the HTML and data you want rendered for each item in the @order. Follow the headings that already exist. You’ll need to create a new TR that contains…

  • A blank TD
  • The item.product.title in a TD
  • The item.quantity in a TD
  • The item.product.price in a TD and use the print_price helper
  • A blank TD, temporarily, for the subtotal

Refresh your view and you should see your individual OrderItems listed out.

Displaying Product Images

Integrate images of the products into your order display into the first TD of the row. As you did in the products listing, the image can be inserted by using Rails’ image_tag helper method along with the path to the image (which the Product model stores). Try and figure this out on your own, but if necessary go look at your app/views/products/index.html.erb file.

Order Calculations

We need to both calculate the subtotals for individual items and the total cost for the entire order.

OrderItem Subtotal

The subtotal is the easier part because it only involves one object, the OrderItem. We can ask an OrderItem to output its subtotal like this:

<%= print_price item.subtotal %>

If you refresh that will crash because it’s expecting item to have a method named subtotal. Open the OrderItem model and define a method named subtotal that returns the quantity times the product’s price.

When you think you’ve got it, refresh the view and check out your results. It’s not very convincing since our quantities are all 1 right now, but it’s a start.

Calculating the Order Total

Now we’re displaying the individual items and their costs, but we don’t have a total for the order. Let’s open the Order model (app/models/order.rb) and create a method named total. Our OrderItem model already implements a subtotal method that gives us the total for that single item, so what we need to do is add up the subtotal from each of the order_items in this order.

I’m going to leave that up to you.

With that method written, go back to your order’s show view and add another line at the bottom with a TH that says “Order Total” and a TD that displays the total. Remember to use your print_price helper method to get the right formatting.

Manipulating the Order

We can add items to the order, but we can’t remove them.

Removing a Single Item from the Order

Let’s add a “remove” link for each item in the order.

Removing a single item from the order is actually pretty easy. To get a hint, let’s look at some scaffolding views that we aren’t actually using. Open up app/views/order_items/index.html.erb. See how it makes the “Destroy” link? Let’s grab that whole line.

Move back to your order’s show template go to the area where you’re displaying the individual order items. Modify your table to make an appropriate space for a “remove” link and paste in the code we got from the other template. You can change the word “Destroy” to “Remove” be less dramatic. Also change order_item to item, since that’s what we called it in that view’s each block.

Click one of the delete links and it almost works. The destroy action in OrderItemsController is being triggered, but after destroying the object it redirects to the index of OrderItemsController. Instead, make it redirect to the order, then go back and try deleting another item.

Clearing All Items from an Order

Deleting a single item was easy, but deleting all of them? We have two options:

  1. Create a custom empty action in OrdersController and have it loop through destroying the individual OrderItems
  2. Just destroy the Order

I like easy, so let’s pick #2!

On the show view for your Order, add a link like this:

<%= link_to "Empty Cart", @order, data: { confirm: 'Are you sure?' }, method: :delete %>

Hop into the destroy action of OrdersController and change the redirect so it sends you back to products_path.

Then give it a try.

Destroying OrderItem Records

If you go to “http://localhost:3000/order_items/” you’ll see all the OrderItem records stored in the database. Go to your console and erase all the existing Order objects:


2.1.1 :001>

Refresh the OrderItem listing and… they’re all still there? If an Order gets destroyed then we want the OrderItem objects to go too!

Go into Order model. Change the has_many :order_items line to this:

has_many :order_items, dependent: :destroy

Now, when an Order is destroyed all the associated order items will get destroyed too. This does not remove the OrderItem objects that are already orphaned in the database. Kill those through the console:


2.1.1 :001>

Then, through the web interface, add a few items to a new Order. Destroy that Order, and check that the associated items are gone too. When it works, Iteration 4 is complete!

Iteration 5: Dealing with Order Quantities

Our order screen is getting powerful, but there are still some features we should add around managing quantities.

No Double-Items

I’m sure you noticed that new order items are getting added to the cart each time the user click “Add to Cart”. We don’t want two listings for Green Grapes, we want one order_item with a quantity of two. No problem!

This is how it should work:

  • When the user clicks the Add to Cart button…
    • If that product is already in the order, increase the quantity by one
    • If it’s not in the order, add it to the order with quantity one

Look at the create method in your order_items_controller. The first line is always creating a new OrderItem, but we want to look for one with the matching product_id first. We could do this ourselves with and if statement, but let’s take advantage of Rails’ find_or_initialize_by like this:

@order_item = @order.order_items.find_or_initialize_by_product_id(params[:product_id])

We can give find_or_initialize_by any attribute name of the object, in this case product_id, and pass in the product_id we’re looking for. If there is a matching OrderItem already attached to this Order with this product_id, it’ll find it and give it back to us. If it doesn’t exist, one will be created.

Try using this in your browser. As you add products to your cart you should see that items to not get repeated, but the quantity is not yet going up when we add the same product twice.

Empty your cart, and add a new item. Now it blows up because the item doesn’t have a quantity at all.

Incrementing Repeated Items

If the finder is creating a new OrderItem, we want to set the quantity to 1. If it finds an existing OrderItem, we want to just increment it by one. We can do both of these in one instruction if the default OrderItem quantity is zero.

We set the default value in the database, and to change the database we’ll need a migration. From your command line:


bin/rails generate migration add_default_quantity_to_order_items

Then open that migration and in the change method add this line:

change_column :order_items, :quantity, :integer, default: 0

Run the migration with bin/rake db:migrate. If you’d like to see the results, create a new OrderItem from your console and you’ll see it starts with the quantity 0.

Now that the default value is set, your create action in OrderItemsController is easy. If it’s incrementing an existing item, then we add one to the existing value. If it’s a new record, we want to increment the counter from zero to one. Since zero is the existing value of a new record, we can simply add one to the quantity and not care if it’s a new record or an existing one.

Add a line to your create action that adds one to the order item’s quantity before the .save is called.

Try adding an item to your cart multiple times and you should see the quantities, subtotal, and total moving up!

Managing Quantities in the Order

We never made a way for customers to easily modify the quantity of each item in the order. Let’s implement that now. There are several ways we could do this from an interface perspective. We’ll implement an easy one.

Look at the show template for the order. Find the TD where we currently just print out the quantity for that item. Let’s change it to a link like this:

<td><%= link_to item.quantity, edit_order_item_path(item) %></td>

That says “create a link with the text of the link displaying the item’s quantity and the link pointing to the edit_order_item action and tell it that we want to edit the item named item”.

Save and refresh your browser. Click one of the resulting links under quantity.

Cleaning Up the Order Items Edit

You are back to some ugly scaffolding code and this form is way too flexible. We don’t want people changing the product ID or the order ID, just the quantity. Open the form partial for order_item (app/views/order_items/_form.html.erb) and make the following changes:

  • Remove the label and text_field for product_id and, instead, just print out the product’s title
  • Remove the whole section for the order_id. It doesn’t need to be displayed or editable.

Refresh your page and make sure the form is displaying properly. Enter the quantity desired as 5 then click Update.

It worked, kind of. It saved the new quantity, but the controller tries to bounce you to the show template for order_item. What we’d really like is to bounce back to the show for the order. Open up app/controllers/order_items_controller.rb. Scroll down to the update method, and change the redirect_to so it points to the order.

Go through and try changing the quantity again and you should return to the order with the updated quantities.

Remove Items with 0 Quantity

Sometimes instead of clicking “remove” to remove an item from an order, users will set the quantity to zero. Try doing this now with one of your existing orders. What happens?

To tell you the truth, I expected an error.

We put in a validation that order_item couldn’t have a zero or negative quantity because that wouldn’t make any sense — right? Right? Nope, missed it.

Open up your app/models/order_item.rb and add a validation that ensures quantity is a number, an integer, and greater than zero.

Now go back to your order screen, edit an item’s quantity to zero, then click update. You should get an error message sending you back to the edit form saying that quantity must be greater than zero. This is good for our data integrity, but ugly for our users.

Now look at app/controllers/order_items_controller.rb and specifically the update method. We want to short-circuit this process if the incoming params[:order_item][:quantity] is zero.

Restructure the logic with a conditional statement like this:

  • find the order_item by the id
  • if params[:order_item][:quantity].to_i is equal to zero

    • destroy the order_item
    • redirect to the order and set the flash to say that the item was removed
  • elsif the attributes successfully update…

    • redirect to the Order with a notice "Successfully updated the order item"
  • else

    • display the edit form again

Now that we’re finding the order item in the update action, we no longer want to run the before_action:

Remove :update from the list:

before_action :set_order_item, only: [:show, :edit, :destroy]

Now if you update an items quantity to zero you shouldn’t get an error and the item will be removed.

Test it out and confirm that setting the quantity to zero removes an item from the order.

More Intelligent Stock Checking

Now that we can make all these changes to the quantity being ordered it makes our current stock checking ineffective. If there’s at least one of an item in stock, our app will say it’s “in stock”. But if the customer is trying to order more than the current stock, we should change that notification.

Displaying Stock on the Order Page

Let’s start by opening the app/helpers/products_helper.rb file and finding the print_stock method we created earlier. We want to create logic like this:

  • if there are none of the items in stock

    • return the “out of stock” line
  • else if there is enough stock to fulfill the requested number

    • return the “in stock” line
  • else if there is some stock, but not enough to fulfill the requested number

    • return this: content_tag(:span, "Insufficient stock (#{stock})", class: "low_stock")

But how will the helper know what quantity the current order is requesting? We’ll have to add a second parameter. So change

def print_stock(stock)


def print_stock(stock, requested)

Then use the requested variable to implement the logic above.

Go back to your your show view template for orders (app/views/orders/show.html.erb). Try to add in a column to the display that prints out the stock status of each of the items in the order. Here are the steps you need to do:

  • Add the header for Stock between Quantity and Unit Price
  • Add the TD that calls the helper method print_stock and passes in the value of this item’s product’s stock and the quantity requested from this order_item

Refresh your browser and confirm that it’s working. Try setting your quantities to trigger the “Insufficient Stock” message.

Displaying Stock on the Products Index

Now go back to your Products listing page. Problem? Your products listing is also trying to use that print_stock helper, but it’s just sending in one parameter. Now we’re getting the error message that the method is expecting two parameters. How to fix it? There are two ways.

The ugly way would be to open the products index view and change our call to the helper, adding in a 0 for the number requested. That’d work, but we don’t like ugly. If we end up using the helper anywhere else, we’d have to remember to always put in this hack.

Instead we’ll improve the helper, so switch back to that file. Ruby has a great way of implementing optional parameters. We can set it up so calling the helper with one parameter will print whether or not the item is in stock, and sending in two parameters will check if there’s sufficient stock. All we need to do is change…

def print_stock(stock, requested)


def print_stock(stock, requested = 1)

With that change, if we send in a value for requested the method will use it. If we don’t send in a value for requested, and thus have only one parameter, it’ll just set requested to one. This will allow our product listing to work just like it did before and our order page to have the smarter sufficient-quantity check.

Test it out and, when it works, we’re done with iteration 5!

Iteration 6: Establishing Identity

What’s the point of a web application if only one person can use it? Let’s make our system support multiple users. There are three pieces to making this happen:

  • Authentication – Establish identity
  • Ownership – Attach data records to user records
  • Authorization – Control who is allowed to do what

Background on Authentication

There have been about a dozen popular methods for authenticating Rails applications over the past five years.

The most popular right now is Devise because it makes it very easy to get up and running quickly. The downside is that the implementation uses very aggressive Ruby metaprogramming techniques which make it very challenging to customize.

In the past I’ve been a fan of AuthLogic because it takes a very straightforward model/view/controller approach, but it means you have to write a lot of code to get it up and running.

As we learn more about constructing web applications there is a greater emphasis on decoupling components. It makes a lot of sense to depend on an external service for our authentication, then that service can serve this application along with many others.

Introducing OmniAuth

The best application of this concept is the OmniAuth. It’s popular because it allows you to use multiple third-party services to authenticate, but it is really a pattern for component-based authentication.

You could let your users login with their Twitter account, but you could also build your own OmniAuth provider that authenticates all your company’s apps. Maybe you can use the existing LDAP provider to hook into ActiveDirectory or OpenLDAP, or make use of the Google Apps interface?

Better yet, OmniAuth can handle multiple concurrent strategies, so you can offer users multiple ways to authenticate. Your app is just built against the OmniAuth interface, those external components can be changed later.

Getting Started with OmniAuth

The first step is to add the dependency to your Gemfile:

gem "omniauth-twitter"

Then run bundle from your terminal.

OmniAuth runs as a “Rack Middleware” which means it’s not really a part of our app, it’s a thin layer between our app and the client. To instantiate and control the middleware, we need an initializer. Create a file /config/initializers/omniauth.rb and add the following:

Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
  provider :twitter, "i0KU4jLYYjWzxpTraWviw", "djMu7QStnBK89MkfIg78tIZ4sFhmGOYjdCjDD0Wsc"

What is all that garbage? Twitter, like many API-providing services, wants to track who’s using it. They accomplish this by distributing API accounts. Specifically, they use the OAuth protocol which requires a “comsumer key” and a “consumer secret.” If you want to build an application using the Twitter API you’ll need to register and get your own credentials. For this tutorial, I’ve registered a sample application and given you my key/secret above.

Trying It Out

You need to restart your server so the new library and initializer are picked up. In your browser go to and, after a few seconds, you should see a Twitter login page. Login to Twitter using any account, then you should see a Routing Error from your application. If you’ve got that, then things are on the right track.

If you get to this point and encounter a 401 Unauthorized message there is more work to do. You’re probably using your own API key and secret. You need to go into the settings on Twitter for your application, and add as a registered callback domain. I also add and http://localhost while I’m in there. Now give it a try and you should get the Routing Error

Handling the Callback

The way this authentication works is that your app redirects to the third party authenticator, the third party processes the authentication, then it sends the user back to your application at a “callback URL”. Twitter is attempting to send the data back to your application, but your app isn’t listening at the default OmniAuth callback address, /auth/twitter/callback. Let’s add a route to listen for those requests.

Open config/routes.rb and add this line:

match '/auth/:provider/callback', to: 'sessions#create', via: :get

Re-visit http://localhost:3000/auth/twitter, it will process your already-existing Twitter login, then redirect back to your application and give you Uninitialized Constant SessionsController. Our router is attempting to call the create action of the SessionsController, but that controller doesn’t exist yet.

Creating a Sessions Controller

Let’s use a generator to create the controller from the command line:


bin/rails generate controller sessions

Then open up that controller and add code so it looks like this:

class SessionsController < ApplicationController
  def create
    render text: request.env["omniauth.auth"]

Revisit /auth/twitter and, once it redirects to your application, you should see a bunch of information provided by Twitter about the authenticated user. Now we just need to figure out what to do with all that.

Creating a User Model

Even though we’re using an external service for authentication, we’ll still need to keep track of user objects within our system. Let’s create a model that will be responsible for that data.

As you saw, Twitter gives us a ton of data about the user. What should we store in our database? The minimum expectations for an OmniAuth provider are three things:

  • provider – A string name uniquely identifying the provider service
  • uid – An identifying string uniquely identifying the user within that provider
  • name – Some kind of human-meaningful name for the user

Let’s start with just those three in our model. From your terminal:


bin/rails generate model User provider:string uid:string name:string

Then update the database with bin/rake db:migrate.

Creating Actual Users

How you create users might vary depending on the application. For the purposes of our shopping cart, we’ll allow anyone to create an account automatically just by logging in with the third party service.

Finding or Creating User Objects

Hop back to the SessionsController. I believe strongly that the controller should have as little code as possible, so we’ll proxy the User lookup/creation from the controller down to the model like this:

def create
  @user = User.find_or_create_by_auth(request.env["omniauth.auth"])

Now the User model is responsible for figuring out what to do with that big hash of data from Twitter. We encapsulate the complexity at the model layer where it’s easy to test an reuse. Open the User model and add this method:

def self.find_or_create_by_auth(auth_data)
  find_or_create_by_provider_and_uid_and_name(auth_data["provider"], auth_data["uid"], auth_data["info"]["name"])

Rails supports dynamic finders. The one we’ve used here is composed of:

  • find_or_create Attempt to find a match in the database based on the following parameters. If found, return it. Otherwise, initialize a new record with these values and save it.
  • _by_provider_and_uid_and_name Do the lookup and initialization using the provider (first parameter), the uid (second parameter), and the name (third).

This will work, but it’s fragile. The UID and provider aren’t going to change, so those are fine. The name might change, though. On Twitter, for instance, the human-readable name is configurable. If they change their name on the external service this lookup is going to fail, creating a second account for them on our service.

Instead, do the lookup with just the fields that won’t change:

def self.find_or_create_by_auth(auth_data)
  find_or_create_by_provider_and_uid(auth_data["provider"], auth_data["uid"])

This is fault-tolerant, but it has an issue. When a user visits our site for the first time the user object will be created. But we’re now not utilizing the name at all — so new records won’t have the human name saved.

Thankfully find_or_create_by has a solution. We can add a hash of parameters that will only be used when creating records, not as part of the lookup:

def self.find_or_create_by_auth(auth_data)
  find_or_create_by_provider_and_uid(auth_data["provider"], auth_data["uid"],
                                     name: auth_data["info"]["name"])

That will work great!

Create Action Redirection

Now, back to SessionsController, let’s add a redirect action to send them to the products_path after login:

def create
  @user = User.find_or_create_by_auth(request.env["omniauth.auth"])
  session[:user_id] = @user.id
  redirect_to products_path, notice: "Logged in as #{@user.name}"

Now visit /auth/twitter and you should eventually be redirected to your Products listing and the flash message at the top will show a message saying that you’re logged in.

UI for Login/Logout

That’s exciting, but now we need links for login/logout that don’t require manually manipulating URLs. Anything like login/logout that you want visible on every page goes in the layout.

Open app/views/layouts/application.html.erb and you’ll see the framing for all our view templates. Let’s add in the following just below the flash message:

<div id="account">
  <% if current_user %>
    <span>Welcome, <%= current_user.name %></span>
    <%= link_to "logout", logout_path, id: "login" %>
  <% else %>
    <%= link_to "login", login_path, id: "logout" %>
  <% end %>

If you refresh your browser that will all crash for several reasons.

Accessing the Current User

It’s a convention that Rails authentication systems provide a current_user method to access the user. Let’s create that in our ApplicationController with these steps:

  • Underneath the protect_from_forgery line, add this: helper_method :current_user
  • Just before the closing end of the class, add this:
  def current_user
    @current_user ||= User.find(session[:user_id]) if session[:user_id]

Even though the current_user method is private in ApplicationController, it will be available to all our controllers because they inherit from ApplicationController. In addition, the helper_method line makes the method available to all our views. Now we can access current_user from any controller and any view!

Refresh your page and you’ll move on to the next error, undefined local variable or method `login_path'.

Convenience Routes

Just because we’re following the REST convention doesn’t mean we can’t also create our own named routes. The view snippet we wrote is attempting to link to login_path and logout_path, but our application doesn’t yet know about those routes.

Open config/routes.rb and add two custom routes:

match "/login" => redirect("/auth/twitter"), as: :login, via: :get
match "/logout" => "sessions#destroy", as: :logout, via: :get

The first line creates a path named login which just redirects to the static address /auth/twitter which will be intercepted by the OmniAuth middleware. The second line creates a logout path which will call the destroy action of our SessionsController.

With those in place, refresh your browser and it should load without error.

We still don’t quite get logged in when we click login, though.

We need to set the session variable in the SessionsController#create action:

def create
  @user = User.find_or_create_by_auth(request.env["omniauth.auth"])
  session[:user_id] = @user.id
  redirect_to products_path, notice: "Logged in as #{@user.name}"

Implementing Logout

Our login works great, but we can’t logout. When you click the logout link it’s attempting to call the destroy action of SessionsController. Let’s implement that.

  • Open SessionsController
  • Add a destroy method
  • In the method, erase the session marker by setting session[:user_id] = nil
  • Redirect them to the root_path with the notice "Goodbye!"
  • Define a root_path in your router like this: root to: "products#index"

Now try logging out and you’ll be taken to the products index page.

Connecting Users to Orders

We’ve done the hard work of creating User objects and logging them into the system. Now we need to tie orders to users.

Connecting the Order to a User

Open the Order model and add a new belongs_to line:

belongs_to :user

Connecting the User to Orders

Then in the User model, just add has_many :orders

User/Order Workflow

Now we need to figure out when in the lifecycle we can connect a User and an Order

  1. When an order is created, connect them to the current user if one is logged in
  2. When they login, connect them to the current order

Displaying the User on the Order

Let’s output the associated User on the order’s show page. There’s already a TH for “Customer”, just add this into the TD:

<td><%= @order.user.name if @order.user %></td>

When an Order is Created

Our orders are created in the load_order method in OrderItemsController. Let’s modify it to associate a new order with the current user, if one is logged in:

def load_order
  @order = Order.find_or_initialize_by_id(session[:order_id],
                                            status: "unsubmitted", user_id: session[:user_id])
  if @order.new_record?
    session[:order_id] = @order.id

When an Order Exists before They Login

Open up the SessionsController. The create action is what logs them in. Once the User is known we can look for an existing order and, if there is one, connect it to the User:

def create
  @user = User.find_or_create_by_auth(request.env["omniauth.auth"])
  session[:user_id] = @user.id
  @order.update_attributes(user: @user)
  redirect_to products_path, notice: "Logged in as #{@user.name}"

Test it by logging out, adding a product to your cart, and then logging in.

It blows up, because it doesn’t know about load_order.

If we move load_order into the ApplicationController it will be accessible to both the OrderItemsController and the SessionsController.

Clear the Order on Logout

As long as we’re in the SessionsController, let’s clear the order from the session when they logout like this:

def destroy
  session[:user_id] = nil
  session[:order_id] = nil
  redirect_to root_path

Test It!

Now you should be all set. Try creating orders when you’re not logged in, then login and the order is preserved. Login first, then create an order and it’s connected to your account.

Iteration 7: Checkout

We’ve got a decent shopping experience going — except you can’t actually place the order.

Let’s build the ability to add a shipping address and “submit” the order. We won’t actually integrate with a payment gateway, but can point out along the way where that would happen.

Building Addresses

A user might ship different orders to different places, so the address needs to be associated with the order. But, at the same time, our frequent customers don’t want to enter in the same address every time.

Designing the Data Relationships

The solution? We’ll build an address model that is tied to a user. When the user submits the order, they’ll pick one of their addresses or add a new one. The order will then be connected to that address.

From a model/database perspective:

  • A User will have many Addresses
  • An Address will belong to a User
  • An Order will belong to an Address
  • An Address will have many Orders

The belongs_to side of a relationship holds the foreign key. So we see that Address needs a foreign key user_id and the Order needs an address_id.

The Address Model

We know that it’ll need a user_id, but what else goes into a US address?

  • Street Number & Street Name (“Line 1”)
  • Apartment / Suite (“Line 2”)
  • City
  • State
  • Zipcode

All those fields can be stored as strings. Let’s use the scaffold generator, even though we won’t use all the parts:



bin/rails generate scaffold Address line1:string line2:string city:string state:string zip:string user_id:integerbin/rake db:migrate

Validating Addresses

Everything except line2 should be required in an address. Let’s assume that the zipcode should be exactly 5 characters that are only digits. The state must be a two-letter uppercase abbreviation.

Add validations that protect each of these requirements. Look here for tips: Rails Guide on Validations

Modifying the Orders Table

We also need to add that address_id foreign key to the orders table. That means creating a migration.

When you generate a migration to add a column to an existing database you can do everything from the command line if you follow the convention. It goes like this:


bin/rails generate migration add_[name]_to_[table] [column_name]:[column_type]

So in this case:


bin/rails generate migration add_address_id_to_orders address_id:integerbin/rake db:migrate

Our database is setup, but there is a lot more to do!

Setting Relationships

Open the Order, User, and Address models. Add the relationships we described above.

Checkout UI

Log in, go to the products page, and add something to your cart.

When a user is on the order page they should be able to select an existing address from a drop-down list of their associated addresses or click a link to add a new address.

Building Addresses in the Console

Let’s create two sample addresses for your current user in the console. Here’s how you might do that:


2.1.1 :001>

2.1.1 :002> 2.1.1 :003>
2.1.1 :004>
a = User.last.addresses.build(line1: "123 First Street", line2: "Suite B", city: "Washington", state: "DC", zip: "20011")a.saveb = User.last.addresses.build(line1: "321 Second Street", city: "Arlington", state: "VA", zip: "22182")b.save

Wrapping the Order in a Form

Open app/views/orders/show.html.erb and add another row to the end of the table like this:

  <th>Shipping To:</th>
    (addresses select box)
    (add an address link)

To have a select box and, eventually, a “submit” button we’ll need a form. The best approach is probably to enclose the entire table in the form tags. Up above the table opening tag, add a form_for like this:

<%= form_for @order do |f| %>

Then put a matching end at the bottom of the template.

Displaying Addresses on the Order

Now to figure out that select. Creating select boxes in Rails has always seemed unnecessarily difficult.

We’ll use the form helper select. It expects as parameters the name of the attribute being set, here address_id then an array of options. Each of those options should be a two element array where the first element is the name to show on the form and the second is the value to submit. In this case, we want:

<%= f.select :address_id, current_user.addresses.collect{|a| [a.to_s, a.id]} %>

The options here are built by grabbing all the current user’s addresses and creating an array made up of arrays containing the address converted to a string (to_s) and the id.

Load it in your browser and you should see something like #<Address:0x0000028394482 in the select box. This is actually good!

Implementing the to_s

There are a few ways we could format the address for presentation in the select box, but the easiest is to define to_s in the model. Whenever you see that format like #<ClassName:0x00002838203 you’re looking at a model that doesn’t implement to_s, but to_s is being called on it anyway. This implementation of to_s comes from Ruby’s Object, the parent of all objects.

Let’s implement a better to_s in the Address model. Define the method, build an array of the attributes you want to display, then join them together with a comma and a space.

If you have sample addresses without a “Line 2”, you’ll see an extra comma in the output. You can remove nil or empty string entries with this method call: compact on the array of attributes.

Adding Addresses

Now let’s build out that “add an address” link. You can handle this on your own, here are the steps:

  • Write a link_to that points to the new_address_path
  • In the new action of AddressesController, use current_user to build the new object
  • On the form, make the user_id field hidden
  • If the save succeeds, redirect back to the order.

Submitting the Order

We can pick an address, but we can’t submit the order. Add another row to the table that includes a submit button like this:

<%= f.submit "Submit Order" %>

View it in your browser, click the button, and look at the log file from your server.

You’ll see that it got a PATCH request to "/orders/1", and that it gets processed by the OrdersController#update action.

The action succeeds, but there’s a warning in the log file:

Unpermitted parameters: address_id

We’d like to include address_id in the list of permitted order_params at the bottom of the orders_controller.rb file:

def order_params
  params.require(:order).permit(:user_id, :status, :address_id)

Changing the Order Status

def update
  respond_to do |format|
    if @order.update(order_params.merge(status: 'submitted'))
      # ...
      # ...

Cleaning Up

After updating the order, remove order_id from the session so they can’t edit it:

session[:order_id] = nil

Redirect to Confirmation Page

Lastly, we want to redirect to a thank you page with an order summary.

format.html { redirect_to confirm_order_path(@order) }

If you submit an order, you’ll get an undefined local variable or method `confirm_order_path' error.

Open up config/routes.rb and update the resources for orders:

resources :orders do
  member do
    get :confirm

Create an empty action in OrdersController called confirm. It is going to need to get the order, so add :confirm to the before_action for set_order at the top of the file.

Create a template in app/views/orders/confirm.html.erb.

Go ahead and flesh that page out.

It Should Work!

You should now be able to submit and order. Iteration 7 is complete!

Next Steps

Here are some extension ideas:

  • Add authorization so only administrators can add or change product information
  • Create an admin interface for viewing and modifying all orders
  • Create a /profile page where a user can view/change their information and past orders
  • Let users pick a default shipping address
  • Add a billing address that uses the same set of user addresses

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