Jumpstart Lab Curriculum

Better Views

Utilizing View Partials

When writing Ruby we break up complex methods into multiple, smaller methods. When writing view templates, partials are the means of encapsulating view components.


Get the Blogger project from GitHub and run setup procedures:

git clone git://github.com/JumpstartLab/blogger_advanced.git
cd blogger_advanced
bundle exec rake db:setup
bundle exec rake

All existing tests should pass. Optionally, run the tests continuously while developing by running guard

Simple Partials

Open views/articles/show.html.erb and look for the H3 that starts the comments section. The H3 line and everything below it are about comments. They are related to the article, but are not intrinsic to showing an article. They are a perfect candidate for a simple partial extraction.

We create partials by adding a file to the views folder and beginning the filename with an underscore.

As an example, create views/articles/_comments.html.erb and move the H3 and everything below it into that file. Save both files and look at an article’s show in the browser. The comments should vanish.

Now, to render the partial we utilize the render method. At the bottom of show.html.erb, add:

<%= render partial: 'comments' %>

Refresh your browser and you’ll notice an error.

The issue is because of the form_for method being called just above the render we’ve just added.

As you can see, it is creating a new comment in memory with @article.comments.new. This creates a new comment for our current article, but since that comment is not being saved there are certain attributes on that comment that haven’t been set yet (id, created_at, and updated_at).

If we look at our partial, it is looping through each of the article’s comments (this new one included) and using their created_at attribute to find the distance_of_time_in_words for each comment compared to the time in which the article was created.

Because the new comment created by the form_for hasn’t been saved to the database - and as such doesn’t have a value for created_at, our application is breaking.

In order to fix this, in the partial you’ll need to check each comment to make sure that it has indeed been saved to the database.

You can do this by wrapping the <div class='comment'> block with an conditional statement like so:

<% unless comment.new_record? %>
  <div class='comment'>
    ... the rest of the code ...
<% end %>

The new_record? method will ask Rails if the object is a new record that hasn’t been saved to the database. This will then allow us to skip over that new comment created by the form_for helper.

Relocating Partials

render, by default, looks for the partial in the same directory as the current view template. In this case, that means app/views/articles.

As this application grows, we might want to reuse the comment partial on other pages. Maybe our user can post images that are not articles. We would like readers to be able to comment on them, too! We can build in that flexibility now.

Create a directory app/views/common and move the _comments.html.erb into it.

Go to an article’s show page in your browser, and it will crash because it cannot find the partial app/views/articles/_comments.html.erb

Open app/views/articles/show.html.erb and change this:

<%= render partial: 'comments' %>

to this:

<%= render partial: 'common/comments' %>

When render sees a / in the partial name, it interprets the first part as the folder name and the second as the file name.

Passing In a Variable

Sending variables into a partial is a little tricky.

To see how it works, first go into your partial and change all references from @article to the local variable article. The rendering will now break because it doesn’t have a local variable named article.

Then, in the show template, modify the render call to this:

<%= render partial: 'common/comments', locals: {article: @article} %>

The locals option takes a hash. Each key will be setup as a local variable and the value stored into the variable. So, in the context of the partial, we’ll now have an article variable holding @article.

Refresh the show page in your browser and it should render correctly.

To make the partial truly reusable, we should edit it to refer to a local variable named subject then, when rendering it, pass in subject: @article.

Rendering Collections

The render method is incredibly overloaded. Let’s see how it can work with collections of objects. Open views/articles/index.html.erb.

See the @article.each line? Whenever we have an iteration loop in a view template, it is a candidate for extraction to a collection partial.

To see how it works:

  • Cut the li and everything beneath it to your clipboard
  • Delete the <% @articles.each do |article| %> line
  • Create a file app/views/articles/_article_item.html.erb and paste it in

Refresh your index page in the browser and the articles will disappear.

We want to render the LIs inside the ul with ID articles. Let’s try it in one line:

<ul id='articles'><%= render partial: 'article_item'%></ul>

That’s a good start, but we don’t want to render it once, we need to render it once for each article. Add the :collection parameter like this:

<ul id='articles'><%= render partial: 'article_item', collection: @articles %></ul>

Refresh your browser and it still crashes. The partial is looking for a variable named article but can’t find one.

When you call render using a collection, it will process the partial once for each element of the collection. While the partial is being rendered, Rails will provide the element being rendered and store it into a local variable based on the filename of the partial.

So in this case, our _article_item.html.erb partial will have a local variable named article_item.

To make our view work, we have two options.

  1. Open the partial and change all references from article to article_item to match the filename.
  2. Rename the partial to _article.html.erb so it’ll have a local article variable.

Implement the second option, renaming the file. Then update the render call like this:

<ul id='articles'><%= render partial: 'article', collection: @articles %></ul>

Refresh your browser and the view should display correctly.

Magical Partial Selection

When we first rendered the comments partial, you might have known that instead of:

<%= render partial: 'comments' %>

We could have just written this:

<%= render 'comments' %>

If you give render a string, it will attempt to render a partial with that name. But, due to implementation details of the render method, you cannot leave off the :partial and still use :locals:

<%= render 'comments', locals: {article: @article} %>

Nor can you leave off :partial when rendering a collection. This will not work:

<ul id='articles'><%= render 'article', collection: @articles %></ul>

There is a shortened syntax that will work. You can do this:

<ul id='articles'><%= render @articles %></ul>

render accepts an object or a collection of objects. render will iterate through the objects and call the .class_name method on each one, convert the class name to snake_case, and will render a partial with that name. The individual object sent will still be named after the partial.

render @articles will thus render the _article.html.erb partial once for each article in @articles, assigning each one to the local variable article.

Closing Words on View Partials

A few last thoughts on view partials:

  • For consistency, use the syntax render partial: x and render partial: x, collection: y
  • An app/views/common folder is helpful on most projects to hold reusable partials
  • Generally, don’t nest partials more than two levels deep. For example:
    • show.html.erb can render a _comments.html.erb
    • _comments.html.erb can render _comment_form.html.erb
    • Don’t make _comment_form.html.erb render _comment_form_elements.html.erb, otherwise it gets too difficult to understand the template structure

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